Too often, individuals appearing in the New Jersey Municipal Courts are under the impression that their charges are not serious enough to retain counsel.

A Municipal Court disorderly persons offense is comparable to a criminal case. You have the same constitutional rights as in any other criminal proceeding. Cases we typically see include disorderly conduct, underage drinking, assault, possession of marijuana, shoplifting, criminal trespass, theft, harassment, loitering, lewdness, and matters that would be considered misdemeanors in other states. In addition, we handle all forms of traffic matters, including moving violations, driving while suspended charges, and driving while intoxicated.

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We will carefully examine all the details of the complaint to determine if there was probable cause to arrest you. Including investigating into how the officer handled the arrest, interviewing witnesses, preparation of motions to suppress evidence or dismiss the complaint, eligibility to change your charges, we assess all possibilities in preparing your case.

Municipal Court offenses carry significant fines, penalties, and collateral consequences. Some charges, even traffic matters, can carry up to 6 months in the County Jail. In addition to the court-imposed penalties, those convicted of disorderly persons and traffic offenses can see their driving privileges revoked, and their job or school prospects diminished.

In each case, we carefully consult with you, review discovery, investigate the matter, and craft the best defense. This may involve a trial, a negotiated plea, or a diversion program that will prevent you from having a record.

Contact knowledgeable New Jersey Municipal attorneys

At the Law Offices of Peter N. Laub Jr. & Associates, L.L.C, we represent clients throughout New Jersey, helping them to seek the competent representation they deserve. Call us at 908-725-9130 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. Our office is located in Somerset County.